Teens and Alcohol – familydoctor.org

Underage drinking is a concern for all parents. It can happen in any family, regardless of income, status or ethnicity. Many parents are surprised to learn that underage drinking can begin before adolescence.

It is important for parents to understand the reasons why their children may experiment with alcohol. You should also know how it can become an addiction and how to treat it. Even more important is your role in talking to your child about the dangers of underage drinking. Research shows that the earlier a child starts drinking, the more likely she is to abuse alcohol in the future.

Excessive alcohol consumption is also dangerous. This occurs when you drink an excessive amount of alcohol at one time. Excessive alcohol consumption is often linked to alcohol poisoning.

The American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) recommends that children between 12 and 17 years old avoid alcohol. As a reminder, drinking alcohol if you are under 21 is not legal and is not safe.

Path to better health

It’s important to talk to your child (of any age) about the dangers of alcohol. It is equally important to understand why they drink. Teenagers often drink their first alcoholic drink because their friends or peers pressure them. Peer pressure can take the form of bullying. Peers will also tell your child that alcohol makes him feel good and gives him confidence. They may say that drinking is not bad and that everyone drinks. Tell your child to expect peer pressure and encourage him to talk to you when those moments occur.

Another reason your child may drink is because he or she wants to be independent. As your child gains independence, it is important that you continue to control what happens in their lives. Stress (school, social, home) may be another reason your child starts drinking. Teach your child ways to cope with the stress she experiences at every stage of her life. Children who have been abused or who have behavioral or mental health problems are at higher risk for underage drinking.

Talk to your children

Talking to your child helps reduce underage drinking. Parents can influence their children’s attitudes toward alcohol and prepare them for the challenges ahead. Start by being a good role model. Research shows that when parents are actively involved in their children’s lives, the child is less likely to drink. Being a bad role model can have negative consequences. Children of parents who drink excessively, for example, are more likely to drink excessively. If you are a parent and you drink, do it in moderation. Don’t drink and drive. Do not keep an excessive amount of alcohol in your home. Other underage drinking topics to discuss with your child include:

  • The dangers of alcohol. Talk about the dangers of underage drinking and alcohol abuse. These can include blackouts, alcohol poisoning, injuries and accidents, risky behaviors, negative effects on the brain, and death.
  • How to deal with peer pressure. Give your children real-life examples of ways to cope with pressure from friends and classmates. Ask them to practice their answers with you.
  • Managing stress. Tell your child that drinking to relieve stress is not the answer. Teach them ways to cope, such as exercising, listening to music, reading, watching a funny movie, writing about their stress in a journal, volunteering to help people or organizations in need, and talking to you or someone they trust. .
  • Legal and academic consequences. Explain the long-term impact of underage drinking and drunk driving (losing your license, having a criminal record). Underage drinking and driving under the influence can result in losing a spot on a school team or club. It can also mean losing a college scholarship. Worse yet, someone could be injured or even killed if they decide to drink and drive.
  • Choose the right friends. Encourage your child to find friends and classmates who share the same goals and lifestyles. If they choose to be with kids who drink, they are more likely to give in to peer pressure and drink too.

Take preventive measures

It is important to talk to your child about the dangers of alcohol. However, talking is not enough. Take preventative measures, such as networking with other parents who share your thoughts and rules about underage drinking. This may include not serving alcohol at parties and adult supervision when friends are visiting.

Keep alcohol out of your house or under lock and key. Establish strict rules and consequences for underage drinking. Some parents create a written agreement or contract with their children. This may include consequences for drinking alcohol or underage drinking and driving. Consequences may include loss of driving privileges, loss of free time, earlier curfews, or payment of fines.

Things to consider

Alcohol abuse doesn’t just affect your child. Negative consequences can also cause harm to others, such as injuring or even killing another person while driving drunk.

Learn the warning signs of alcohol abuse, which may include:

  • Mood changes, including depression, anger, and irritability.
  • Poor grades
  • Behavior problems at work or school.
  • Suddenly choosing a new group of friends or not introducing yourself to their friends.
  • Low energy
  • No interest in the activities or recreation they once enjoyed.
  • Evidence of alcohol use, such as red eyes, the smell of alcohol on your child’s breath, slurred speech, or inability to concentrate.

The treatment is available in several forms. You may require individual or group counseling, or an inpatient or residential treatment program (where your child stays until he or she has completed treatment). There are also outpatient treatment plans (where your child leaves home for treatment and returns home every day), inpatient programs, medications to reduce alcohol cravings, ongoing recovery support programs, and peer support. Ask your doctor which treatment or combination treatment is right for your child.

Questions to ask your doctor

  • If I suspect my child has been drinking, how do I know if my child is abusing alcohol or if it is a one-time thing?
  • If my child is under 18 years old, can I authorize the treatment? What if he is over 18 years old?
  • How can I talk to my child about alcohol if my spouse drinks in moderation (but every day) and I don’t?
  • Is alcoholism hereditary?


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Underage Drinking

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Copyright © American Academy of Family Physicians

This information provides a general overview and may not apply to everyone. Talk to your primary care doctor to find out if this information applies to you and for more information on this topic.

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